Mercian are delighted to be supporting and attending the inaugural BAPRAS Microsurgery masterclass to be held on the 20th & 21st of May at the Mathematical Institute in Oxford.
It is fitting that this Institute is on the site of the old Radcliffe Infirmary which was closed in 2007 for which we have very fond memories.
This meeting is being run by Henke Giele and his colleague Venkat Ramakrishnan both eminent Surgeons in their field of Plastic Surgery.
This course is aimed at specialist trainees and established surgeons in Plastic Surgery and allied disciplines, both from the UK and the international community.
The course is delivered by leading international experts in Micro Surgery who will showcase the latest surgical skills and techniques, with focused sessions on a range of subjects including innovation in microsurgery, lower limbs, upper limbs, lymphatic and breast.
The Advanced Educational courses attract over 150 delegates, predominantly from the UK, with a small representation from Europe and further afield.